freedom of heart

I stop loving you because I feel I was treated unfair

The one loved you so much got the least attention

Sum up my hurts, eventually love has gone, many questions remain

I don’t want to have a fight, but I cannot be the one always hurt myself to avoid hurting others…

I’m not a saint, I don’t want to become a saint for you. I’m sorry.

This world has too many ungrateful people, including me.

The one who broke the glass left the house, remain me sweeping the floor and got frustrated seeing that person came back being greeted warmly by you–

I’m tired…

I’m sorry to have a fight, a quarrel with you, but this should be the last time because somehow love gone, left only ignorance and I feel kind of relieved.

Love no longer bind me.

They said heart is broken but I’m grateful it broken, at least now it I know I can be alive and feel so free ever since.



don’t be easily hurt by words of others

people who hurt your feelings by words are actually those whose have excrements as their breakfast, lunch, and dinner–on daily basis.

so you don’t have to blame yourself for being too sensitive–
as long as you do not follow their footsteps,
and stay away from such people.

dilligently guard your mind from thinking unnecesarry thoughts and
persistently watch your mouth from spilling unimportant words.

save your heart from being polluted by those people,
don’t harbor hatred, sadness, not even a thought to wish them unlucky,
they will get their bad karmas, you don’t even have to think about it.

hurt others

some people in this world love to hurt others
wonder why, but actually i know why

if you believe in karma, you know there is no right and wrong
only cause and effect

so i will try to be as patient as i can
i will always cleanse this heart from bad thoughts
to avoid engaging this body from bad actions

i don’t know how many years remains for me in this one lifetime
but i am sure i will die someday and i don’t want to leave this world with hatred and disappointment
i want to leave this world without bearing any ill-feelings.
even in a painful state, i want my mind at peace and heart at ease

when i look at people that hurt me.
it should not about forgiving or forgetting,
i should pity on them, so i can be less pitying myself
because unpleasant things happened to me,
and someday unpleasant things would happen to them as well
by this way, how can i let my heart and mind filled with hatred and disppointment to others ?

maybe the real thing about being born into this world is
to come to an understanding when we leave the world.